Get to Know About Legion Maria Church

We Seek To Love God Above All Things and Our Neighbors as Ourselves.

The Legion Maria of African Church Mission, as guided by Baba Mesiah, operates with a universal mission, vision, and set of core values that are deeply rooted in its religious teachings and traditions. Here's an overview that reflects the broader principles of the legion Maria Church:

Baba Messiah



To continue the mission of Baba Messiah and Mama Maria, which involves spreading the Gospel, serving humanity, and fostering a deeper relationship with God, proclaiming the Gospel and teachings of Baba Messiah to all people, living to the teachings of the Church through sacramental and pastoral care, and to fostering unity, peace, and justice for all.

To bring about the realization of God’s Kingdom on earth through the faithful living of Christian values and the building of a global community united in Christ. To be a universal community of faith that embodies the love and mercy of Baba Messiah and Mama Maria, transforming lives and society through its commitment to justice, charity, and the promotion of human dignity.

Core Values

Core values for Legion Maria Church encompass the fundamental beliefs and ethical principles that guide its actions and teachings as per Baba Messiah’s teachings.

  1. Faith: Belief in the Holy Trinity and the teachings of the Church, guided by Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition.
  2. Love: Embracing and practicing the commandment of love; love of God and love of neighbour.
  3. Justice: Upholding the dignity of every human person and working for social justice, peace, and the common good.
  4. Mercy: Demonstrating compassion and forgiveness, following the example of Baba Messiah’s mercy and kindness towards all people.
  5. Solidarity: Standing in solidarity with the marginalized and poor, working together as one human family to address global and local challenges.

The Legion Maria Church Mission, Vision and Core Values are deeply interconnected with its spiritual and doctrinal foundations. They reflect the Church’s commitment to living to the teachings of Christ and addressing the needs of humanity in a holistic and compassionate manner.